Sunday, August 2, 2015

Last Week of Transfers, Miracle Sunday and Sending a Sister Home

July 27, 2015

Dear Family,
This week was a little rough...again...but I know that it's okay. It'll get better. I learned quite a bit and we probably had one of our most successful weeks as companions. It was also the last week of transfers so I wasn't quite sure how it would work. BUT it really didn't feel like a transfer. AND Sister Putnam and I are staying together for another transfer here! I'm so excited!! I wonder what will happen in the next three transfers...because that's all I have left...weird, right??
So on Monday, we went to see F because she was going to give us a massage but she was really tired. So we ended up just eating dinner with them and then we went to the P’s. They said they were coming to church (and they totally came!). It was a good lesson. They are all opening up more and more to us. We went back to see F and J because our next appointment was there--Fs' granddaughter who we had set an appointment with earlier but she forgot so we just went to see her at Fs' house. It was good! We were stuck behind two trains--they both stopped at one point. It took about twenty or so minutes for us to get by. It was great! (3 Nephi 18:5-11, 18-19, 24; 19:20-24)
Tuesday, we had a district meeting. It was a really good one! The second training that we had was on the Atonement and I loved it! Elder McGovern had three of us bear our testimonies. He wanted to do something different. As soon as he explained it, I could kind of feel that he was going to ask me to do it. And he did. I can not tell you how very grateful I was for that. I really needed to bear my testimony for whatever reason. It was interesting because all three of us said something different. I talked about how I had learned the Atonement being a missionary and how it applied to me; Elder Deacon talked about it being the center of the gospel and the most important thing we teach; and Sister Putnam talked about the redeeming power of the Atonement. It was really cool. We tried by a lot of different people. But we didn't really see anyone until we went to see Sister Pitman. She's super sweet. I really love her. Then we had dinner with the L family. Brother L reminds me of Dad. He's looks like a cop (but he's not) and he's paranoid and wants us to be safe. Which is good. He told us some stuff that was going on in Fresno and it really freaked me out--like kidnappings going on by the Mexican Cartell, or something like that. Now I'm looking around every corner just to make sure no one is following us and I'm terrified to talk to anyone. but I'm working on that. We saw Frances Underwood and her husband. They are a great family but F is sick and it's contagious so we are going to stay away for a little while. We saw M. She's so sweet and she's so excited for her baptism! Oh that's right--we rescheduled it for August 8. We even threw away her coffee with her! We saw Brother H that night. I love him so much. He said he would come up with Cherokee names for us because he's part Cherokee. I'm excited! (3 Nephi 20:1, 31)
Wednesday, we did service for Sister O which was fun! It was hot too but it was good! I love them so much. We had dinner with them later that night too and they are just so great. We were supposed to see K...but he dropped us on Wednesday morning! Can you believe it?? He was super nice about it but he texted us and told us that he had come to the realization that our time would be better spent ministering to others. He didn't want us to think he was giving up because he's still, by definition, progressing even though we're not teaching him. He wants to take the next steps on his own. He still loves us though :) But it was really heartbreaking. I love him and his family. I miss them lots. But they are feeding us soon! I can't wait! We went to mutual which was fun. We then saw F and J. That was great too. I love them so much. (3 Nephi 22:78; Mosiah 24:15)
Thursday we got offered weed :P We went to see Sister J and talked to some men who offered us weed. It was a little awkward. I felt really uncomfortable. We had a good lesson with her though after we talked to them! We saw Sister P who is super sweet. Then we saw the P’s. they love us and it was so sweet because A, the ten year old, was upset she missed the beginning of the lesson. They are just the best! I love them so much even though they live in a scary area of town. We just don't go at night. We ate dinner with the B’s who remind me of grandparents. Sister B kind of reminds me of Grandma Reese :) It makes me happy. We saw M next. We gave her a church tour. We think she might have been a little freaked out by the baptismal font. But we'll work on that. Then we saw the F. They are super sweet. C is taking a Bible class and I think it will really help him be more converted to the gospel. He was excited to share his knowledge with us :) (3 Nephi 27:2, 6, 13)
On Friday, we weekly planned--and in the midst of it we had a terrifying experience! During lunch, I went upstairs to take a nap and at the top of the stairs there was this GINORMOUS spider! I was so scared. It was probably as big as my palm! I didn't know what to do! So I told Sister Putnam who is also terrified of spiders and she grabbed windex to spray it to death. I ended up sneaking past the spider to get to the phone which was upstairs and called the elders who live in our apartment complex. They laughed at us but came and got it. Elder Beck did not kill it though. He only picked it up with toilet paper and let it go outside. But it was scary! We ate dinner with the O’s again and they took us to Cheesecake Factory. It was yummy! then we saw the H family. They are super great and I hope they will start coming back to church soon. N really wants to be baptized. (3 Nephi 28:1-2, 7-10)
On Saturday we saw Sister H’s. We have started singing hymns to people--and you know how well I sing. But they say we do a good job and Sister H’s really needed it. Then we saw the M and we figured out a way to help R strengthen her testimony. We ate with the G’s family. They are awesome. Then we saw the O’s again...because she asked us to teach for her and had the lesson printed out for us. I love that family so much. Then we got the transfer call. And we're staying! But some people are leaving and I'm sad :( (Mormon 1:15-16)
On Sunday we had a miracle. SEVEN PEOPLE CAME TO SACRAMENT! IT WAS AWESOME! WE had the whole P family and then F and J and M! K was there too but since he dropped us...he doesn't count. But he still counts for me. I love that family so much. It was really amazing to have that happen! I really want to baptize a family and I hope it will be the P’s. P hasn't been to church in over 13 years so maybe this is her time and her family's time? We saw Sister D and then ate with the W’s. They are the best. They have the cutest baby. Then we saw Sister W. She's sweet but I'm not sure how open she is. I just love this area. (1 Nephi 16:16; 2 Nephi 31:17-20)
Thank you for all your support. I hope you know how much I have needed it. I will finish strong :) I LOVE YOU ALL!
Always <3,
Sister Abigail Reese

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